HC Deb 30 April 1834 vol 23 c307

Bills. Read a second time:—Climbing Boys; Weights and Measures.

Petitions presented. By Mr. HUME, Mr. J. OSWALD, and Mr. R. WALLACE, from Isleworth, and other Places,—against the Lord's Day Observance Bill.—By Mr. TOOKE, from several Places, against employing Children in the Cleaning of Chimneys.—By Mr. EWING, Lord MORPETH, Sir CHARLES BURRELL, and an HON. MEMBER, from several Places,—in favour of the Lord's Day Observance Bi11.—By Sir ANDREW AGNEW, Mr. MOSTYN, Mr. TOOKE, Lord Viscount MANDEVILLE, Mr. GREENE, Lord WATERPARK, Mr. ESTCOURT, Colonel CONOLLY, Mr. RAMSDEN, the Earl of LINCOLN, Mr. CLIVE, Mr. THROCKMORTON, Mr. HODGES, Mr. MADOCKS, Lord NOEREYS, Mr. WILSON PATTEN, Mr. LLOYD WATKINS, Sir RICHARD SIMEON, Mr. TYRELL, Mr. SHAW, Mr. PARKER, Mr. DENISON, Mr. LYSTER, Sir H. PARNELL, Mr. SHAW LEFEVRE, Mr. CHAPMAN, Mr. WYNN, Mr. CHRISTMAS, Mr. MILES, Mr. TYNTE, Mr. BLAMIRE, Mr. FREDERICK NORTH, Mr. EWING, Mr. PELHAM, Sir RALPH LOPEZ, Mr. SMITH, Mr. PEASE, Mr. EDWARD JOHN STANLEY, Mr. SANFORD, Mr. HANDLEY, Mr. HODSON, Mr. PLUMPTRE, Mr. LEFROY, Mr. GISBORNE, Mr. G. W. WOOD, Mr. HALL DARE, O'CONNOR DON, Mr. LANGSTON, Earl GROSVENOR, Mr. BOUVERIE, Lord ASHLEY, Mr. MURRAY, Mr. BRISCOE, Mr. WIGNEY, Sir FRANCIS BURDETT, the Marquess of CHANDOS, and Mr. WILBRAHAM, from a great Number of Places,—for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. RIGBY WASON, from the Baptists of Ipswich, against the Church Rates Bill.—By Mr. JAMES, from the Hand-Loom Weavers of several Places, for Relief—By Lord MORPETH, from Doncaster, for a Representative; from the Manufacturers of Cards used in Spinning Mills in Halifax, against the Illegal Combinations of the Trades' Unions; from the West Riding of York, against the General Register Bill; and from several Places, for Relief to the Dissenters.—By Mr. ROEBUCK, from Forfar, against the Taxes on Knowledge; from Bath, against Employing Children in Sweeping Chimneys; and for relieving Merchant Seamen from the payment of Sixpence to Greenwich Hospital.—By Lord MORPETH, Sir CHARLES BURRELL, and Messrs. COLLIER, LYALL, and FOLEY, from a Number of Places,—for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Sir CHARLES BURRELL, Mr. BLACKBURN, and Lord CHARLES RUSSELL, from several Places,—for Amending the Sale of Beer Act.

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