§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of Mr. SULLIVAN, the Expense of the Carlow Lunatic District Asylum,—On the Motion of Sir ROBERT INGLIS, the Sums rceived from the French Government, in liquidation of British Claims, which have been advanced by the Treasury to the Woods and Forests.—On the Motion of Lord GEORGE BENTINCK, a Statement of the Value Sterling of Gold and Silver raised in the several Mining Districts in America and Russia, in the periods of twenty years from 1790 to 1809, inclusive, and from 1810 to 1829 inclusive; and the Annual Net produce of the Duty levied upon wrought Gold and Silver Plate in each year, from 1804 to 1830, inclusive: also an Account of the Number of Private Bills which have passed through Parliament in each year from 1819 to 1832, and of the Petitions which have been presented concerning them; also an Account of the Number of Bankruptcies which have taken place in each year, from 1822 to 1832, inclusive.
§ New Writ ordered. On the Motion of Mr. ELLICE, for Sunderland, in the room of the Hon. GEORGE BABRINGTON who accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.
§ Bill. Read a second time:—Seaman's Hospital.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. HODGES, from Gravesend and Milton, against the Assessed Taxes, the Septennial Act, and the Corn Laws; and for Vote by Ballot.—By Mr. BRISCOE, from Reigate, for Mitigation of the Criminal Laws.—By Mr. DAVID ROCHE, from four Places in Ireland, for the Abolition of Tithes and Church Cess.—By Mr. SHEPPARD, from Frome, for a more Easy Recovery of Small Debts.—By Mr. NICHOLL, from Cardiff, in favour of the Factories Regulation Bill: another against the Bill for removing the Summer Assizes from Cardiff to Swansea—By Mr. HODGES, from Bromley, and other Places, against Tithes; from Yalding, for Amending the Law of Sewers.—By Mr. PENDARVES, from Breage, for Removing all Compulsory Laws for the Support of Ministers of the Gospel.—By Sir EARDLY WTLMOT, from Bedworth, Sir G. STAUNTON, from Portsea, and other Places, and by Mr. DUGDALE, from Coleshill, and other Places,—against the Beer Bill.—By Sir EARDLY WILMOT, Mr. YELVERTON, Sir GEORGE STAUNTON, Lord SANDON, Mr. J. PARKER, Mr. RYLE, Mr. GREENE, Mr. CRAVES BERKELEY, Mr. CLAY, Mr. BRISCOE, Mr. HAWKS, Mr. NICHOLL, and by Mr. SHEPPARD, from a great Number of Places,—for the Better Observance of the Sabbath.—By Sir G. STAUNTON, Mr. R. BRIGGS, Mr. CRAVEM BERKELEY, Mr. WILKS, Mr. PENDARVES, Mr. NICHOLL, and by Mr. BRISCOE, from Numerous Places,—against Slavery—By Mr. WILKS, from the Dissenters of Huddersfield, and other Places, Mr. RYLE, from Macclesfield, Mr. BROTHERTOM, from Salford, and by Sir WILLHAM CHAYTOR, from the Methodists of Sunderland,—for a Removal of the Disabilities to which Protestant Dissenters are subject.—By Mr. CHARLES RUSSELL, from the Methodists of Reading, for a Mitigation of the Criminal Code.—By Mr. GREENE, from the Coach Proprietors of Liverpool and Manchester, for an Alteration in the Post Horse and Stage Coach Duties.