HC Deb 18 March 1833 vol 16 c725
Mr. Mark Phillips

presented a Petition from the Jews residing in and near Manchester for the removal of the disabilities under which they laboured, and praying that they might be enabled to enjoy the same rights and privileges as their Christian fellow-subjects. Also one from the inhabitants of Manchester, very numerously signed, to the same effect.

Colonel Williams

had been requested to support the prayer of these petitions, which he did most cordially; he hoped the question would be soon brought before the House, and finally disposed of in the liberal manner which was now expected by the country.

Mr. Cobbett

said, he could not sit and hear any hon. Member state that the Jews had a right to the privileges that were now demanded for them, without asking the House whether it was prepared to do away with the law of the land as laid down by the greatest authorities—whether, in fact, it was prepared to pass a law that would abolish Christianity in England? It was stated that the Jews were peaceable men, but it was well known that that peacefulness of conduct was assumed for a particular motive, to which he would not further allude at that time. He called upon hon. Members not to be led away by this cry of liberality, nor to allow those who daily blasphemed Christ to have all the privileges which had been secured to Christians in this Christian country.