HC Deb 12 March 1833 vol 16 c538

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. O'CONNHLL, Summonses issued, heard, &c, by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, against Masters of Vessels, for having Fires on Board in the Liffey.—On the Motion of Mr. HKRBXRT CURTBIS, the Number of Commissions in the Army purchased, and Amount of Half or Retired Pay cancelled, up to March, 1833.

Bill brought in:—Stafford Indemnity.

Petitions presented. By Mr. HALL, from Newport, for the Abolition of Slavery: for the Repeal of the Septennial Act; also for the Repeal of the House and Window Tax.—By Lord SANDON, from the Corporation of Liverpool, to be heard by Counsel at the Bar, in support of their Privileges.—By Mr. LITTLBTON, from Lapley and five other Places in Staffordshire,—for the Repeal of the Beer Act, and the Better Observance of the Sabbath.