§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of Mr. WAR-BURTON, an Account of the Money received in 1832 by the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, for Diplomas granted, and how that Money was Appropriated.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. E. J. STANLEY, from the Wesleyan Methodists of Lynn, in favour of the Parochial Rates Exemption Bill.—By Lord ASHLEY, from Glasgow, in favour of the Factories Regulation Bill.—By Mr. EGERTON, from the Surgeons and Apothecaries of Blackburn and Stockport, against the Apothecaries Bill.—By Colonel TORRENS, from Bolton, in favour of the Factories Regulation Bill By Mr. BANNERMAN, from Cork, for Extending the Provisions of the Apothecaries Bill to Ireland.—By Mr. BELL, from the Clergy of Northumberland, against the Church Temporalities (Ireland)—By Mr. ROEBUCK, from Hammersmith, for the Liberation of Messrs. Taylor, Twort, and Ward.—By Mr. FAITHFUL, from the Dissenters of South Shields, for Redress of their Grievances; from the Independents of Colchester, for the Immediate Abolition of Slavery; and from Brighton and Strathmiglo, for disuniting Church and State—By Mr. SCHOLEFIELD, from Birmingham, for a Repeal of all Taxes on Knowledge; and from the same Place, for an Alteration in the Law of Ejectment—By Mr. ROEBUCK, from Bristol, for the Reduction of Taxation.