HC Deb 24 June 1833 vol 18 c1163

Mr. Fysche Palmer moved that the House resolve itself into a Committee upon the Sheriffs' Expenses Bill.

The Solicitor General opposed the Bill, many of the clauses of which were highly objectionable.

Mr. Robert Gordon

supported the Bill. It was important that the expenses to which the Sheriff of a county was liable should be reduced.

Mr. Tooke

opposed the Bill, which presented in his judgment a perfect wantonness in legislation. Some of its provisions were ridiculous.

Sir Matthew White Ridley

objected to the Bill because it went to saddle the county, already sufficiently burthened, with an annual expense of between 500l. and 600l. If the learned Solicitor General would divide the House on the Motion, he would support him.

Mr. Fysche Palmer

denied that its provisions would impose on the counties of England a single additional shilling.

The House then divided, and the numbers were—Ayes 42; Noes 60: Majority 18.

The Bill was therefore lost.