§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of Mr. BAINBRIDGE, an Account of all Bank Notes and Post Bills issued by the Bank of England, which have not been paid into the Bank, up to the 31st December, 1831: also the Amount paid by the Bank of England, upon Indemnity, or otherwise, in each year up to the same period for Bank of England Notes and Post Bills lost or destroyed.—On the Motion of Mr. ROBERT GORDON, Copies of a Correspondence between the Court of Directors and the Governor General of India, in the year 1830, and 1831, relative to the Constitution of the Indian Government.—On the Motion of Colonel EVANS, the Number of Inhabitants of Westminster employed as Constables during each past week of the present Session in Attendance on the Houses of Parliament, and on all other Duties not Parochial: also the Number of Fines, Fees, and Payments on Account of Non-performance, or incurred in Performing such Duties, and who eventually receives such Payments.—On the Motion of Mr. WARBURTON, an Account of the Number of Persons who have obtained Diplomas from the Royal College of Surgeons, in each year, from 1825 to 1832, and of the Number Examined and Rejected: the same for Edinburgh and Dublin: also of the Regulations, or Bye-laws, under which Graduates in Physic have been admitted as Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of London, since 1771, what Number of Persons have been admitted as Fellows, and what Number Rejected, since 1771: also the Number admitted as Licentiates, from 1823 to 1832: and also an Account of the Money received by the College from Persons admitted as Licentiates, during the same period, and how that Money has been Appropriated.
§ Bills. Read a third time:—Separatists' Affirmation.
§ Petitions presented. By the Marquess of CHANDOS, from the Clergy of Buckingham, against the Church Temporalities (Ireland) Bill.—By Lord SANDON, from Liverpool, for Redress to the Merchants for the Confiscation of their Property in 1807; also from the Owners of House Property, Liverpool, against the Rating of Tenements Bill; and from the Corporation of that Town, against the General Register Bill.—By the same, and Mr. J. YOUNG, from several Places,—for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. J. YOUNG, from Kilbury and Templeoran, for the Abolition of Tithes and Church Cess; from the Clergy of Kilmore, against any further Grant to the Kildare Street Society.—By Mr. JOHN TALBOT, from St. Mary's and New Ross (Wexford), against Tithes.—By Mr. BUCKINGHAM, from the Sailors of St. Catharine's Docks, for the Total Abolition of Naval Impressment; from Tavistock, for the Abolition of Corporal Punishment.—By Mr. JOHN MAXWELL, from Galston, for the Repeal of the Septennial Act; from the Weavers of Glasgow, for Inquiry into their Distress, and for Relief.—By Mr. CUMMING BRUCE, from the Kirk Session of Kilmainham, for Communicating Religious Instruction to the Irish in their Vernacular Tongue.—By Lord GRANVILLE SOMERSET, from Henbury, &c.; and by Lord SANDON, from Eecleshall, for the Repeal or Amendment of the Sale of Beer Act.—By Lord HENNIKER, and an HON. MEMBRE, from a Number of Places, for the Abolition of the Malt Duty.—By Mr. ROBERT GRANT, and Mr. J. YOUNG, from several Places,—against Slavery,—By Mr. ROBERT GRANT, from the Society for Promoting Rational Humanity towards the Brute Creation of Cambridge, for a Law to Promote their Object.—By Captain MEYNELL, from the Cotton Weavers of Lisburn, for a Board of Trade, and for Relief.—By Mr. RUTHVEN, from Dublin, against the Sub-Sheriffs (Ireland) Act.—By Mr. HOPE JOHNSTONE, from Westertrick, against the present System of Church Patronage in Scotland.—By Sir RICHARD NAGLE, and Mr. JOHN YOUNG, from several Places,—for a Mitigation of the Criminal Code.—By Mr. T. B. LENNARD, from the Society of Friends, for Exemption from Tithes; and from Epping, for the Repeal of the 6th section of the Labourers Employment Act.—By Sir EDWARD CODRINGTON, from the Devonport and Stonehouse Retailers of Beer to be put on a Footing with other Licenced 1065 Victuallers.—By Mr. SULLIVAN, from the Inhabitants of Kilkenny, against the Corporation of that Place.—By Mr. COLQUHOUN, from the Presbytery of Edinburgh, against the Edinburgh Annuity Tax Bill.—By Mr. THICKNESSE, from Wigon, in favour of the Notaries Public Bill.