§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of Mr. G. J. HEATHCOTE, an Account of the Number of Commitments in England and Wales, for Horse-stealing, for the years ending 11th July, 1832, and 1855: the same for Sheep Stealing.—On the Motion of Colonel EVANS, the Assessment for the Inhabited House Duty, for the year ending 5th April, 1833, at which a hundred of the highest Rated Private Houses in the Metropolis are Assessed: the same for Houses, the Occupiers of which are engaged in Trade: the same from Brighton, Bath, Birmingham, &c.—On the Motion of Mr. BETHELL, a Copy of the Memorial from the Committee of Country Bankers, delivered to the Duke of WELLINGTON and Mr. GOULBURN, dated 9th May, 1828: of a Letter written by Command of the Lords of the Treasury by Mr. DAWSON, in reference to the above Memorial, dated 19th May, 1828: also of a Memorial from the Committee of Country Bankers to Earl GREY and Viscount ALTHORP, dated 12th June, 1833.—On the Motion of Mr. O'CONNELL, an Account of the Nature and Amount of all Taxes Repealed, since the 1st January, 1814: and of those Taxes which have been only partially Repealed within the same period.—On the Motion of Mr. HUME, an Account of the Places of Burial belonging to each Paris under the Authority of the Bishop of LONDON, with the Bills of Mortality also of such as belong to Dissanters—On the Motion of Mr. ROERUOX, 1019 the Amount of Sums subscribed by Nominees, now dead, of Life Annuities, or Tontines, created in Ireland, in 1773,1775, and 1777: also the Amount at present paid to the surviving Nominees in each Class, in 1802, 1812, 1822, and 1852, upon the Sums originally subscribed by them.—On the Motion of Mr. LOWTHER CHAPMAN, Copies of a Correspondence between Sir WILLIAM GOSSETT, and different Individuals relative to the Levying of Tithes due only on the 1st of May last.
§ Bills. Read a third time:—Exchequer Bills.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. ABERCROMBY, from a Congregation in Edinburgh, against Slavery.—By Mr. MURRAY, from the Incorporated Tailors of Edinburgh, for Alterations in the Royal Burghs (Scotland) Bill; from the Merchants' Company, Leith, for Separating the Dock and Harbour of Leith in its Management and Revenues from Edinburgh; from the Shipbuilders on the Frith of Forth, against the unequal Taxation on Shipbuilding Materials.—By Sir WILLIAM MOLESWORTH, from Buckland and Monachorum, against the Tithes' Commutation Bill; and for the Exclusion of the Bishops from the House of Lords.—By Sir RICHARD SIMEON, from the Licensed Victuallers of the Isle of Wight, for Extending to them the proposed Measure of Relief from the House Tax.—By Mr. COBBETT, from Merthyr Tydvil, to be Relieved from the Burthen of Taxation; from certain Inhabitants of Marylebone, for an Alteration in the Currency; from certain Individuals of Manchester, for Extending the Right of Voting to all Householders; from the Political Union of Chatham, for an Inquiry into the Case of Richard News-ham; from the Cartwright Club, for Universal Suffrage, and Vote by Ballot; from Salford, for an Address to his Majesty, for the Dismissal of his present Ministers.—By E. B. CLIVE from Hereford, for an Inquiry into the Management of the Funds of the Corporation of that City.—By Mr. DOBBIN, from Armagh, for the Amendment of the Reform of Parliament (Ireland) Act.—By Mr. E. J. COOPER, from Sligo, for the Repeal of Act 9th Geo. 4th, cap. 88., and the Amendment of Act 10th Geo. 4th, cap. 41, for the Regulation of the Butter Trade.—By Mr. BARNARD, from such of the Trades of London, Greenwich, &c, as are connected with the Sugar Refining Trade, for such Alterations in the Laws respecting Foreign Sugars as will enable the Refiners of this Country to compete with Foreign Markets.—By Sir ROBERT PRICE, from Pem-bridge, against Slavery—By Major BEAUCLERK, from a Dissenting Congregation, Horsham, for Relief from their Grievances; from the Brewers of Surrey, to place the Retailers of Beer on a Footing with the Licensed Victuallers.—By Mr. RYLE, from the Medical Men of Macclesfield, against the Apothecaries Bill.