HC Deb 29 July 1833 vol 20 cc95-6

The House went, it was understood, into a Committee on the Slavery Abolition Bill, and Lord Howick moved, "That no apprenticed labourer should be liable to be flogged unless convicted of conspiracy and mutiny."

On this question the Committee divided, and seventy-four Members voted for the noble Lord's Motion. The following is a list of those who supported the noble Lord.

ENGLAND. Plumptre, J. P.
Aglionby, H. A. Potter, R.
Blake, Sir. F. Poulter, J. S.
Bouverie,— Sanford, E. A.
Briggs, R. Scrope, P.
Brotherton, J. Seale, Col.
Buckingham, J. S. Shawe, R. N.
Buxton, T. F. Staveley, T. K.
Cayley, Sir G. Tancred, H. W.
Chichester, J. P. B. Thicknesse, R.
Clay, W. Throckmorton, R. G.
Dawson, E. Trelawny, W. L. S.
Evans, W. Turner, W.
Ewart, W. Tynte, C. J. K.
Faithfull, G. Tyrell, C.
Fancourt, Major Vincent, Sir F.
Fielden, J. Walter, J.
Frankland, Sir R. Wason, R.
Fryer, R. Wedgwood, J.
Gore, M. Wilks, J.
Handley, Major SCOTLAND.
Handley, W. F. Agnew, Sir A.
Harland, W. C. Johnston, A.
Harvey, D. W. Sinclair, G.
Hughes, H. IRELAND.
Ingilby, Sir W. Blake, M.
Jerningham, Hn. H. V. Evans, G.
Kennedy, T. Finn, W. F.
Key, Sir J. Grattan, J.
Lambton, H. O'Connell, D.
Langdale, Hon. C. O'Connell, M.
Locke, W. O'Connell, J.
Lushington, Dr. O'Dwyer, A. C.
Marjoribanks, S. O'Reilly, W.
Marsland, T. Ruthven, E.
Methuen, P. Ruthven, E. S.
Parker, J. TELLER.
Parrott, J. Howick, Lord
Phillipps, C. M.

The Committee to sit again.