§ papers ordered. On the Motion of Colonel Evans, the Number of Stamps issued to all the London Newspapers, from 1st January, 1832, to the 30th June, 1833.—On the Motion of Mr. WILKS, a Copy of the Correspondence between the Board of Control and the Court of Directors of the East-India Company, relative to the Renewal of the Company's Charter, and the Bill relating thereto.—On the Motion of Colonel HANNER an Account of all the Donations and Subscriptions to the St. George's Fund of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, since its Establishment; of the Number of Pensioners benefited by it; and the Number of Contributors to the said Fund, in 1805, 1815, and 1825.—On the Motion of Sir SAMUEL, WHALLEY, an Account of all the Prisoners at present Confined in the several Metropolitan Prisons; also an Account of the Property and Money of Convicted Felons, by whom received, and how disposed of, from July, 1823, to July, 1833.—On the Motion of Mr. HUME, a Copy of the Supplementary Commission, and Additional Instructions for the Island of Ceylon, referred to in the Despatch from Viscount GODERICH, of 23rd March, 1833, to Sir R. J. WILMOTHORTON; also a Copy of a Despatch ad- 883 dressed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to the Lieutenant Governor of Upper canada, dated 8th November, 1832.—On the Motion of Mr. RIGBY WASON, a Return of all Orders in Council, and the Dates thereof, with the Names of the parties under which Slaves were Transported into Demerara from the Bahamas, or any other British Colony, since 1815.—On the Motion of Mr. FITZGERALD, the Names and Residences of the several Bailiffs appointed by the Town and Corporation of Dundalk, since the 1st of January, 1813.—On the Motion of Sir THOMAS FREEMANTLE, the Names of all Persons appointed Commissioners of Bankrupts for Cambridge, since January, 1833: the several Lists of Commissioners for Cambridge, and the Number of Fiats addressed to each List in the same period: also any Application made to the Court of Review in consequence of the Absence or Non-attendance of any Commissioners named in these Lists.—On the Motion of Mr. WALLACE, a Return for the year from 12th November, 1831, to 12th November, 1832, of the Months, Days, and Hours, at, and during which, the Judges of the Court of Session in Scotland take their Seats, and remain on the Bench; also the Number of Judges who sit together daily on the Bench, in each Division of said court, with the commencement and termination of the Vacations and Holidays of the aforesaid Court of Session: also a similar Return for each of the last three years, in reference to the Sheriffs Depute and Sheriffs Substitute of Scotland, with the Names of those Persons (if any) to whom these Judges have delegated the Duties of their Office, in each of the last three years.—On the Motion of Colonel EVANS, an Account of the Authorities by which the Municipal and Parochial Affairs of the City and Liberty of Westminster are managed.
§ Bill. Read a second time:—Procurators (Scotland).
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. YELVERTON, from Carmarthen, against the proposed Grant to the West-India Proprietors, till their Loss shall have been proved.—By Mr. SHELL, from Erdremine, for a Repeal of the Union.