§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of Mr. JOHN MARTIN, a Return from the Clerks of the Peace of the several Counties in Ireland, stating the Number of Appeals from Magistrates decisions tried before the Assistant Barrister at Quarter Sessions, in January and April last.—On the Motion of the Earl of DARLINGTON, the Number of Corporal Punishments inflicted in the different Regiments of the British Army in Great Britain and Ireland, in 1830, 1831, and 1832.—On the Motion of Mr. SPRING RICK, the Quantity of Refined Sugar Exported from the Port of London, in the first two Quarters of 1833.
§ Bills. Read a first time:—Merchant Seamen's Wages.—Read a second time:—Transmission of Property (Ireland).
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. TENNYSON, from St. Mary, Newington, and Camberwell, against Police Spies.—By Sir JOHN HAY, from the Presbytery of Route, against the New Plan of Education (Ireland).—By Mr. TURNER, from Blackburn, against the Rating of Tenements Bill.—By Mr. O'DWYER, from the Officers of the Disbanded Waggon Train, complaining of being treated differently from Others.—By Sir ROBERT PEEL, from the Surgeon Apothecaries of Birmingham; and by Lord MORPETH, from those of Dewsbury,—against the Apothecaries Bill.—By Sir EDWARD CODRINGTON, from Devonport, against the Excise Duties, and Assessed Taxes.—By Sir ROBERT PEEL, from the Writers of the Signet of Edinburgh, against the Annuity Tax Bill; from the Clergy of Suffolk, against the Proposed Measure of Irish Church Reform; from Avoch, against a Premature Measure of Negro Emancipation; and from the Dissenters of Barnsley, for the Immediate Abolition of Slavery.—By Mr. FIRLDEN, from several Mills, and from the National Political Union, in favour of the Factories' Regulation Bill,—By Lord MORPETH, from Blaxton and Auckley, to continue to be included within the Jurisdiction of the Soke of Doncaster.—By Mr. GASKELL, from Wenlock, for some Provision concerning that Borough in the Local Jurisdiction Bill.—By Sir JOHN RAE REID, from the Public Notaries of Dover; and Mr. B. CARTEH, from those of Portsmouth and Cowes, against the Notaries Public Bill.—By Mr. JAMES OSWALD, from the Glasgow Faculty of Medicine, in favour of the Apothecaries Bill: and from the Merchants of Glasgow, for an Equalization of the Duties on 69 Sugar.—By Mr. EWING, from the Associate Burgher Synod of Edinburgh, for Amending the Law relative to Lay Patronage in the Church of Scotland; and from several Bodies of Men in Glasgow, against the Bankrupts (Scotland) Bill.