HC Deb 20 February 1833 vol 15 cc1021-2
Mr. Horvey

said, that, in consequence of information which had been given to him by an hon. Gentleman, he should withdraw the Motion of which he had given notice, for a "Return from the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Ecclesiastical Revenues, to ascertain the locality and description of each separate property charged with any fee-farm rent, pension, stipend, rent, and other payments reserved by leases (other than rack-rents), and redeemed land-tax; specifying the probable number of acres and annual value thereof, the tenure, the amount of the fixed payment of whatever description to which it is subject, whether the leases renewable, upon the survivor of life or years, and the customary terms of renewal." He should, however, give a fresh notice for the 8th of March, and he begged to state that, if not acceded to, he should, on that day, take the sense of the House upon the subject.

Dr. Lushington

said, it was impossible for the Commissioners to supply the information required at present, for they had not directed their inquiries to that part of the matter. It would, indeed, take a great deal of time, a great deal of trouble, and a vast deal of expense, to give the returns required by the hon. Member; for not only would the Commissioners have to issue upwards of 12,000 circulars, but they would have to commence all their proceedings de novo.

Mr. Harvey

thought the greatest objection brought by the hon. and learned Member opposite to his Motion was, that 12,000 circular letters must be addressed. But he (Mr. Harvey) thought the Motion of such importance, that, let the trouble be what it might, he was determined to take the sense of the House upon it.

Motion postponed.