§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of Alderman WOOD, various Accounts relative to the Manufacture and Exportation of Soap.—On Ore Motion of Mr. C. K. TYNTE, an Account of all the Sums paid in England on Account of the Personal Estate Tax.—On the Motion of Mr. METHUEN, an Account of the Expense incurred during each of the last ten years in the passing Irish and Scotch Vagrants.—On the Motion of Mr. WIGNEY, the Amount of the House and Window Tax paid by each County and Town in England.—On the Motion of Mr. SPRING RICH, the Annual Revenue Accounts.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. RICHARD POTTER, from the Unitarian Congregation of Salford, for a National System of Education.—By Mr. YELVERTON. from Carmarthen, that the Right of Electing their Magistrates may be extended to the 10/. Electors and Householders—By Mr. SHEIL, from Lismolin, for the Abolition of Tithes in Ireland.—By Mr. ROEBUCK, from St. Michael's; and by General PALMER, from St. James's Bath, against the Assessed Taxes.—By Mr. OLIPHANR, from Perth; and by Mr. MADOX, from Denbigh, for the Abolition of Slavery.