HC Deb 05 February 1833 vol 15 c139
The Marquess of Chandos

begged to ask the noble Lord, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether it was the intention of his Majesty's Government to make any alteration in the Corn Laws?

Lord Althorp

said, in answer to the question put by the noble Lord, that it was the intention of the Government to bring forward such measures as appeared most pressing in their nature and character. He apprehended that there would be great danger of the House not benefiting the country, in the way he thought it would, if too much were to be at once attempted. The questions which would come before the House, and which would necessarily press much on its attention, were so many, and so large in their character, that he (Lord Althorp) really did not think it would be well to go into any new matter. The House would remember, that amongst the questions to be submitted to its consideration, was that of the East-India Charter, and also the Bank of England Charter. Again, there was another question of great importance, relating to the Church Establishment in Ireland, besides the question of commutation of tithes in Ireland, in addition to the other various important topics of which notice had this evening been given by the hon. and learned Gentleman opposite (Mr. O'Connell), and by other hon. Gentlemen. He thought that those questions were more pressing than the Corn Laws, and he did not, therefore, entertain any intention of proposing any alteration of the Corn Laws.