HC Deb 12 August 1833 vol 20 cc562-3

Mr. Charles Grant moved the third reading of the above Bill.

Sir Robert Inglis

observed, that it would have been better to allow the trade to remain for some time longer in the hands of the Company, or at least to have allowed them to participate in it along with the private traders. He doubted whether the agents or consuls appointed by the Bill would be recognised by the China government, and believed it would have been better to have had some previous communication with that power.

Mr. Hume

said, that he should give his support to the Bill. He thought, that there was no fear of collision between our seamen and the Chinese.

Lord Sandon

inquired when the China trade would be thrown open?

Mr. Charles Grant

said, that the East-India Company's privileges would not expire until April, 1834; and that, therefore, they would not give up any of their commercial advantages until then.

The Bill read a third time.

Mr. George F. Young moved, that the following clause be added as a rider to the Bill:—" And be it enacted, that the expenses of the establishment by this Act authorized to be maintained within the said dominions, shall be defrayed in like manner as the expenses of British consular establishments in other parts of the world are defrayed, under the authority of an Act passed in the fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George 4th., entitled An Act to regulate the payment of salaries and allowances to British Consuls at foreign ports, and the disbursements at such ports for certain public purposes,' and subject in all respects to the provisoes and regulations in the said Act made and provided."

Mr. Chapman

seconded the Amendment.

Mr. Robert Grant

opposed it.

Amendment negatived; the Bill passed.