HC Deb 08 August 1833 vol 20 cc433-4

On the Motion of Lord Duncannon, the House resolved itself into Committee on the Grand Juries (Ireland) Bill. The Committee resumed the consideration of the 59th Clause, which in order to escape opposition, as well as the 60th, 61st, and 62nd, Clauses were withdrawn. The Clauses from 63rd to 73rd, were agreed to, with Amendments.

On Clause 74th, which authorizes Grand Juries to make presentments, being read,

Mr. O'Connell

suggested, that it should not be at the discretion of the Grand Jury to make presentments for the salaries of the medical gentlemen, &c., and that it should be compulsory on them to present for these salaries and allowances, inasmuch as the discretionary power led to many very unfair proceedings. Instances were not unfrequent where Grand Juries, from particular motives, had refused in cases where duties had been fully and fairly performed. Strong political feelings arising out of an election had produced such unhappy consequences. The power ought therefore to be withdrawn.

Mr. O'Dwyer

moved, an Amendment to the effect, that it shall not be lawful for a Grand Jury to withhold a presentment for the payment of the salary of a physician at a dispensary.

The House divided on the Clause as it stood: Ayes 41; Noes 12—Majority 29.

The Clause adopted, as were the Clauses 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, and 82.

Mr. O'Connell moved, that Clause 83rd be struck out.

On the Question, that the Clause be retained. The House divided: Ayes 6; Noes 43—Majority 37.

The Clause was struck out. The remaining Clauses were agreed to. The House resumed. The Report to be received.

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