§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of Mr. JOHN ROMILY, an Account of the Adjournments of Bankrupts' Examinations, sine die, since the 11th January, 1832, by the London Commissioners of Bankrupts,—On the Motion of Mr. FINN, the Amount of Salaries and Retired Allowances of the Judges of Ireland, in the year 1792, and subsequent increase.—On the Motion of Mr. HARVEY, an Account of the Number of References brought into the Offices of the respective Masters in Chancery, under Orders and Decrees of the Court, from 1st March, 1828, to the latest period.—On the Motion of Mr. AARON CHAPMAN, an Account of the Number of American Ships, and their Registered Tonnage entered inwards at Liverpool from New York, from 1st January, 1832, to 1st January, 1855; and of British Ships for the same period; of the Importation of Cotton into the Port of Liverpool from the United States, both in Foreign and British Ships, for the same period; and of the Exportation of Salt from Liverpool to Prussian Ports in British and Foreign Ships, in the same space of time.—On the Motion of Mr. ROTCH, a List of all Bills of Indictment for Felony against Middlesex Prisoners delivered over by the Justices of the Peace for that County, to the Justices of Gaol Delivery of Newgate, since the 1st of January, 1832; and of those who were not delivered over to the Justices of Gaol delivery of Newgate.
§ Bill. Read a second time:—Lighting and Watching: Assizes' Removal.
§ Petitions presented. By Sir WILLIAM FOLKES, from Laun-ditch (Norfolk), for a Repeal of the Duty on Malt and Hops,—By Lord EBRINGTON, Sir WILLIAM FOLKES, and Messrs, ROPER, KEMYSS TYNTH, HODGRS, and ROBINSON, from Torrington, and a great many other Places,—against Slavery.—By Lord EBRINGTON, from Ashburton, for a Commutation of Tithes; and from the North Devon Agricultural Association, for rendering the Imperial Measure compulsory.—By Mr. HODGES, from Staplehurst, for a Better Observance of the Sabbath.