§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of Mr. STEWART MACKENZIE, an Account of the Number of Journeys performed daily by the Greenwich and Paddington Stages and Omnibuses, &c.—On the Motion of Mr. SULLIVAN, an Account of the Quantity of Starch manufactured each year in Great Britain and Ireland, and of the Duty paid on such as is Imported from the latter Country into the former.—On the Motion of Mr. GEORGE YOUNG, the Countries on the Importations from which additional Duties have been levied under the authority of the Acts 4th George 4th, cap. 77, and 6th George 4th, cap. 111, to countervail the discriminating Duties charged in those Countries on Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, Imported into them respectively in British Ships; and of the Number and Tonnage of Ships Built and Registered in the 201 several British Ports, in the year ending 5th January, 1833; and of such as have been mortgaged in the same year.—On the Motion of Sir THOMAS FREEMANTLE, Copies of Reports relative to the Price of Corn in Foreign Countries, made by his Majesty's Consuls abroad, and not yet before Parliament.—On the Motion of Mr. HUME, the Amount received by the Receiver General of the Droits of the Crown and Perquisites of the Admiralty, since the Commencement of the present Reign, with the Amount of his Salary and Allowance.—On the Motion of Mr. O'DWYER, the Banisters appointed by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, under the Irish Reform Act, for the Registry of Voters, &c.
§ Bills. Read a second time;—Savings Banks; Annuities; Banks; Customs Bounties; British Possessions; Registry of Vessels'; Customs Duties; Customs' Management; Isle of Man Trade; Warehousing; Smuggling Prevention; and Navigation.
§ Petitions presented. By Sir R. DONKIN, from Berwick-upon-Tweed, for the Abolition of all Military Sinecures.—By Mr. H. JOLLIFFE, Mr. TYRRELL, Mr. WALTER, Mr. DUNCOMBE, Mr. MACAULAT, Mr. E. BULLER, Mr. BLAMIRK, Mr. STRUTT, Mr. AGLIONBY, Mr. SHEPPARD, Mr. SINCLAIR, Mr. ETWALL, Mr. C. K. TYNTE, Mr. BANNERMAN, Mr. LISTER, Sir GRAY SKIPWITH, Sir WILLIAM MOLESWORTH, by Lord JOHN RUSSELL, by Lord CHARLES RUSSELL, by Lord HENNIKER, and the Earl of KERRY, from many Places,—against Slavery.—By Mr. BELL, Mr. TYRRELL, Mr. PIGOTT, Mr. MACAU-LAT, Mr. G. SINCLAIR, Mr. TAYLEURE, Mr. TRACEY, Mr. ETWALL, Mr. BARING, Mr. ANDREW JOHNSTON, Mr. H. JOLLIFFE and by Sir W. GUISE, from a Number of Places,—for a Better Observance of the Sabbath.—By Sir R. DONKIN, by General SHARPE, by Mr. ROBARTS, Mr. TAYLEURE, and Mr. LANGSTON,—against the Assessed Taxes.—By Mr. MACAULAT, from Leeds; and Mr. TAYLEURE, from Bridgewater, for Corporation Reform.—By Mr. PIGOTT, and Mr. BARING, from Worfield, and Saffron Walden,—against the Sale of Beer Act.—By Mr. HAWES, Mr. WIGNEY, Mr. VIVIAN, Mr. MACAULAY, Mr. HUME, Mr. BARING, and Mr. ATTWOOD, from Leeds, Birmingham, &c., and other Places,—for a Removal of the Civil Disabilities of the Jews.—By Colonel LEITH HAY, and General SHARPE, from Places in Scotland, for Alteration in the Burgh (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. STRUTT, from Derby, against Tithes in Ireland.—By Mr. MACAULAY, and Colonel TORRENS, from the Methodists of Leeds, and other Places,—for a Repeal of the Laws affecting the Dissenters,—By Mr. DUNCOMBE, from York, for annexing the District of the Airsty to one of the Ridings of Yorkshire.—By General SHARPE, Mr. ANDREW JOHNSTON, and Mr. G. SINCLAIR, from a great many Places,—against the present System of Church Patronage in Scotland.—By Mr. A. JOHNSTON, from the Synod of Fyfe, for Measures to strengthen the Protestant Faith in Ireland.—By Mr. A. JOHNSTON, from Cupar, for imposing the Laws relative to real Property in Scotland.—By Mr. C. BULLER, from Burton-upon-Trent, for the total Abolition of Tithes.—By Mr. MURRAY, from Leith, for a Repeal of the Duty on Stamps for Receipts.—By General SHARPE, from Dumfries, for Poor Laws for Ireland.—By Mr. LAMBTON, from the Roman Catholic Clergy of Durham, for a Law to enable them to perform valid Marriages in their Churches.—By Mr. T. ATTWOOD, from Atherstone, for a Reduction of Taxation; from several Places, for Vote by Ballot; from a Political Union, for an equitable Adjustment of the Claims of the Fund-holders; and from Walsall, for a Repeal of the Taxes on Knowledge.—By Sir H. HARDINGE, Mr. BROTHERTON, and Mr. T. ATTWOOD, from Salford, Hertford, and Walsall, for a Factories' Regulation Bill.