HC Deb 03 April 1833 vol 17 c79
Mr. Bernal

, pursuant to the notice he gave yesterday, rose to move, that the issuing of the Speaker's warrant to the Clerk of the Crown for making out a new writ for the election of two burgesses for the Borough of Hertford, in the room of Lords Ingestrie and Mahon, whose election was declared void, be suspended; but before he put his Motion into the Speaker's hands, he would move that the Special Report of the Hertford Election Committee be read.

The Report was then read—" That it appears to the Committee that bribery and treating prevailed previously to, and during, the last election for the borough of Hertford."

Mr. Bernal

said, he would not enter into any argument on the question, but would found his Motion on the precedent established in the case of the borough of Liverpool, in which, when a similar Special Report was made, the House had suspended the issuing of the Speaker's warrant. The hon. Member moved, that the issuing of the Speaker's warrant be suspended till the 22nd of April.—Ordered.