§ Bills brought in, and read first and second time.—Regenes Park Acts Amendment; Labourers Employment.
§ Petitions presented. By Sir HUGH STEWART, from the County of Tyrone, for Re-enacting the Laws Regulating the Importation of Flax Seed into Ireland.—By the Marquis of CHANDOS, from the Association for Promoting Rational Humanity towards the Animal Creation, to prevent Cruelty to Animals; from Edinburgh and Leith, against the Adulteration of Coffee with Chicoree; from Olney, for a Speedy Consideration of the Poor Laws; from Port Glasgow, for Relief in the Shipping Interests; 770 and from Galway, for Preserving the Peculiar Franchise of that Town; also, for the Repeal of the Stamp-duties on the Admission of Freemen to Corporations.—By Sir GEORGE WARRENDER, from H. Stewart, Chairman of a Meeting of the Commissioners of Supply for the County of Lanark, against the Hypothee (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. WILES, from the Members of a Friendly Society, in favour of the Friendly Societies Act Amendment Bill.—By Sir EDWARD SUGDEN, from the Attornies of Wilts, against the General Register Bill.—By Mr. ROBERT VERNON SMITH, from Northampton, in favour of the Registration of Births Bill.—By Sir HUGH STEWART, from Camus-juxta, Mourne, and other Places;—by Earl JERMYN, from Ashley, and eleven other Places—against the Ministerial Plan of Education (Ireland).—By the Earl of BELFAST, from the Grand Jury at Carrickfergus, to enable Grand Juries to put up Gates and levy Tolls on such Roads as they may think proper.—By Mr. BRISCOE, from Chowbeat, Tyldesley, and Burnley,—in favour of the Factories Regulation Bill; from Kingston-upon-Thames and Hereford,—for the Abolition of the Punishment of Death for Crimes against Property;—and by Mr. SPRING RICE, from Tullamore,—for the same.