§ Bills brought in. By Mr. SPRING Rice, to continue, for a time to be limited, an Act of the 54th of King George 3rd, for rendering the Payment of Creditors more equal and expeditious in Scotland:—By Mr. CRAMPTON, to effectuate the Service of Process issuing from the Courts of Chancery, and Exchequer in England and Ireland respectively.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. MAURICE O'CONNELL, Copies of the Orders in Council of 20th February and 5th March, 1831, for the Administration of Justice in British Guiana, Trinidad and St. Lucia.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. CALLAGHAN, from certain Solicitors of Cork, in favour of the Equity Process, Ireland Bill:—By Mr. LAMB, from the Inhabitants of Dungarvon, for the Repeal of all Tolls on the line of Road from Waterford to Cork:—By Mr. HEYWOOD, from 735 Operatives at Salford, and Persons employed in Mills at Stafford, against the Bill for Limiting the Hours of Labour of Children employed in Factories.