Mr. John Johnstonemoved for a Select Committee, to inquire into the disease called Cholera Morbus, with power to call witnesses, and to present an Address to his Majesty, praying for the removal of the Quarantine Laws, and other restrictions, which press upon the trade of the country. The hon. Member declared himself an anti-contagionist, and regretted the false notions which prevailed in the country on the subject. Considerable distress had been already occasioned to the commercial and manufacturing interests, by the enforcement of the Quarantine Laws, and the Cholera Morbus had made this country a bugbear to the whole world. He objected to the mode in which the London Board of Health was constituted. He thought there were too many medical men on the Board; and be should like to have seen it composed, as the Edinburgh Board was, of the principal noblemen and gentlemen of the country, as well as of medical men. The hon. Member concluded by proposing the Motion which he had already described; but there being no seconder, it, of course, fell to the ground.