§ Mr. Trevorsaid, he rose, pursuant to the notice he had given, to move that the county Members of England be added to the Committee of Inquiry on the Registry Bill. He was induced to take this course, because the landed interest was that most deeply interested in the proposed Bill, and as assertions had been made, that the petitions which had been presented were got up by interested persons, he wished to take every means to convince the House, that such an assertion had no foundation; and he knew no more efficient means to attain that object, than to collect the opinions of the constituents of the county Members in a Committee.
Mr. Pagetthought the Motion unnecessary, as fourteen county Members were already on the Committee; and it seemed impossible to insinuate, that the slightest partiality had been practised in their selection.
Mr. Hodgsonsupported the Motion, on the grounds that a majority of the Members in the Committee had expressed opinions in favour of the measure, and that they were not connected with that part of the country from which the objections chiefly came.
§ Lord Althorpsaid, that it would be extremely inconvenient to have all the county Members of England on this Committee, and it was not probable that they would all attend if they were appointed.
§ Sir Charles Wetherellinquired whether the noble Lord would consent to one Member for each county being appointed?
Mr. Laboucheresaid, it was impossible that any committee-room could hold such a number. It was better that the hon. 1206 Member should move, in another form, that the Bill shall not pass, than to effect his object in this circuitous way.
§ Sir Edward Sugdenrecommended the hon. mover to postpone the Motion, and make out a list of Members to be added, not with a view of destroying the Committee, but of adding to its efficiency.
§ Motion withdrawn.