§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of Mr. Toast WOOD, the Rules by which the different Overseers in England levy the Assessments for the Poor, and the Amount of the Assessments.—On the Motion of Mr. BRISCOE, Copies of all the Sentences awarded in the different Courts in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, since 1823.
§ Bills. Read a second time:—Forgery; Taxed Carts.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. BAILLIE, from Bristol, against the General Inclosure Bill; and in favour of the Vagrants (Scotland and Ireland) Removal Bill; and by Mr. BRISCOE, from Lambeth, in favour of the same Bill.—By Mr. SADLER, from Tottingdon and Castleford, in favour of the Factories Regulation Bill.—By Mr. STRICKLAND, 1159 from Kendal, against the General Register Bill.—By Mr. BRISCOE, from the Prisoners confined for Debt an the King's Bench Prison, for the better Managing that Establishment; and from Camberwell, for a better Observance of the Sabbath—By Lord KILLEEN, from five Places in Ireland, against Tithes; from Youghall, for Abolishing the Punishment of Death; and from the Wolverhampton Political Union, for an efficient Reform for Ireland.