HC Deb 27 June 1832 vol 13 c1053
Sir James Scarlett

brought up the Report on the Durham University Bill, which being received, he moved the third reading of the Bill.

Mr. Hume

wished to ask, if any alteration had been made in the clause which debarred Dissenters from enjoying the privilege intended to be given to members of the Established Church, in the proposed University.

Sir James Scarlett

was not aware of the existence of any such clause.

Mr. Hume

complained of the third reading being passed immediately upon the Report of the Committee, and appealed to the noble Lord opposite (Lord Althorp) for his opinion as to its propriety. In his view of the matter, the clause to which he had referred ought not to be allowed to remain, as it was a proof of the illiberality which still hung about the Church of England.

Lord Althorp

said the Dean and Chapter of Durham wished to have this Bill passed, with a view to establish a University. The particular object of that University would be, to give information to all classes, but the Dean and Chapter would reserve to itself the right of bestowing Degrees on those persons only who were members of the Established Church; and as these Degrees would chiefly apply to those who took orders in that Church, it could scarcely be deemed a grievance by others. He would repeat, that he thought it no unreasonable proposition, that the Degrees conferred by the University should be given only to such as conformed to the rules of the Established Church.

Mr. O'Connell

agreed with the hon. Member who had said that the right of private property should be respected. The property in question, however, was Protestant property, and therefore public property.

Sir Robert Peel

thought the delay proposed ought to be agreed to. He should like to see this Bill passed unanimously, as it was one which might be of great service, in enabling many who could not afford the expense of an University education, to acquire that blessing at a more moderate rate.

Third Reading postponed.