§ Mr. Sadlerrose to bring forward the Motion for adopting certain Resolutions on this subject, of which he had given notice, when
§ Lord Althorpsubmitted, that at so late a period of the Session, and with so thin an attendance, it would be better for the hon. Member not to bring forward the Motion, more especially as the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the subject, had not yet made their Report, and several of them were now out of town.
§ Mr. Sadler, under these circumstances, said he should consent to withdraw the Resolutions he had meant to propose, but he could not do so without expressing his regret and his surprise that when a matter so deeply concerning the happiness of thousands was concerned, there should, have been so thin an attendance. Had any party questions been about to be submitted, any question of voting the money of the people to foreign despots, then, indeed, the House would have presented a very different appearance, for there would have been a full attendance of Members; but, as it was the cause of poor children and their parents, employed in factories, which was to come under the consideration of the House, this was a matter of so little consequence that Members did not think it necessary to attend. He might have counted out the House had he been so disposed, but he would not take that course, and, under the circumstances named by the noble Lord, he would not trouble the House with any 966 remark, but would consent at once to withdraw his Motion.
§ Motion withdrawn.
§ Mr. Sadlersaid, that as his Bill for bettering the condition of the manufacturing poor, depended on these Resolutions, he should, for the present, withdraw that also.
§ Bill withdrawn.