§ Mr. Cresset Pelham, in conformity to the notice he had given, rose to bring forward his proposition for the appropriation to public purposes of the Fees and Emoluments hitherto enjoyed by the Clerk of the Patents, and Registrar of Affidavits in the Court of Chancery. The hon. Member moved:—"That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, praying that he will be pleased to order a Return to be laid before that House of all the Emoluments, Fees, and other Monies, now paid to the Clerk of the Patents, and to the Registrar of Affidavits in the Court of Chancery, in order that the same may hereafter be appropriated to the public service."
§ Lord Althorpsaid, that the Government had it in contemplation to effect some great alteration with respect to the offices to which the hon. Member referred. It must be obvious to all, that it would be a most ungracious, and, in- 963 deed, a most unnecessary interference with those offices, or rather, with the holder of them, if the present Motion were assented to; the more so because the emoluments of the offices were far from being likely to prove lucrative. The long vacation was about to commence; the offices during that period were not open; and, consequently, no fees were taken; and as the duration of the vacation was likely to be as long as that of the offices, he really did not think it necessary to adopt any such step as that suggested by the hon. Member. Under these circumstances, perhaps, the hon. Member would see the Heedlessness of persevering in his Motion.
§ Mr. Cresset Pelhamobserved, that the noble Lord ever met the hon. Members of that House with the greatest courtesy and urbanity when he was opposed to them; and in compliance with the suggestion which had been thrown out, as well as on account of the explanation which had been given to the House, he would willingly withdraw his Motion.
§ Motion withdrawn.