Sir Robert Inglismoved, that the House should resolve itself into a Committee on the state of their Library. He did not suppose that there would be any opposition to the Motion, and in the Committee he should move that an Address be presented to his Majesty to give directions for the erection of additional buildings for the more convenient custody of the books and papers belonging to the House of Commons, and to provide sufficient accommodation for all the Members.
§ Sir Frederick Trenchsaid, that he objected to the plan that had been prepared. He thought that, before a grant of money was made, a plan ought to be submitted to the Members at large, for their consideration.
Mr. Humethought it was not advisable to build a library, without a view to the permanent accommodation of the House. It might, perhaps, be deemed advisable to have the place they now sat in converted into a library, and better accommodation than now existed provided for the Members, whose numbers were now too great for the present space allotted to them. He strongly recommended the postponement of any definitive proceeding at the present moment.
§ Lord Althorpthought it would require more time than they had at present to decide upon this subject, in connexion with others relating to the House generally. He therefore concurred in recommending that postponement should take place.
Sir Robert Inglishad not supposed that there would be any objections to his proposal as it had been unanimously agreed to by the Committee up-stairs. The buildings were necessary for the safe custody of the papers and books; and if it was intended to have the library in use next Session, the building ought to commence without delay. He did not, therefore, think the matter ought to be postponed.
§ Sir Matthew White Ridleyhad some doubts whether the plan proposed was the best which could be devised, and he therefore recommended further delay.
§ Motion postponed for a week.