HC Deb 09 July 1832 vol 14 c204

On the Motion of Mr. Stanley, the House resolved itself into a Committee on this Bill.

Several clauses read and agreed to, on the question of Newry.

Mr. Leader

said, he had been strongly urged and requested to oppose the Newry boundary. The objection to the boundary was, that it was calculated to throw too great a rural population on the numerous inhabitants of that ancient potwalloping borough. Newry contained 13,000 inhabitants, and had 2,000 qualifying houses; the area of the limits of the borough excluded 2,500 acres, and electors were so manufactured in the rural districts as to overpower the independent inhabitants, in whom the real right of voting existed. He knew the Government were exposed to difficulty respecting these Irish boroughs. He knew that Mallow, Dungarvan, and Youghall complained of their liberties being too contracted; on the other hand, the complaint of Newry was, that the liberties were too large—that the inhabitants of the town were overpowered by commoners, persons residing on commons, and who had not a town qualification. He strongly advised that the Newry petition should be referred to a Committee up-stairs. There could be no possible injury from such a reference. It was a proper respect due to the constituency to entertain its petition. It was idle to reform in name, and all reform should be substantial and real. He hoped, however, that public spirit in Newry would vanquish and overcome every difficulty.

Mr. Stanley

knew, that the object proposed was to cut off from the borough a district which was called the Commons of Newry. As that was, however, included according to the general rule he saw no reason for referring the question to a Committee.

Mr. Hume

had been intrusted with a petition on the subject, and hoped the question would be referred to a Committee.

Clause agreed to.—The remainder of the Bill read and agreed to. The House resumed.