HC Deb 06 July 1832 vol 14 c151

MINUTES. Bills. Read a second time:—Sea Apprentices; Sale of Beer.—Read a third time:—Representative Peers (Scotland).

Petitions presented. By Mr. BEAUMONT, from the Owners of Coal Mines on the Rivers Tyne and Wear, for a Committee to inquire into the Cause of the Disturbances among the Pitmen.—By Mr. WILKS, from Parsons Town (KING'S County), for substituting Secondary Punishments for the Punishment of Death in Cases of Forgery; from Tottenham High Cross, against the Vagrants (Scotland and Ireland) Removal Bill; and from a Benefit Society at Eckington, against the Friendly Societies Bill.—By Mr. DOMINICK BROWNE, from Kilvine, and three other Places, for the Abolition of Tithes.—By Mr. WYNN ELLIS, from Leicester, for an efficient Reform to Ireland.—By Mr. A. LEFROY, from Longford, for the Repeal of the Catholic Relief Bill.—By Mr. STANLEY, from Tuam, for a Representative for that Place.