§ New Members. CHARLES HANBURY TRACEY, Esq., for Tewkesbury.
§ New Writ ordered. On the Motion of Mr. HOLMES, for Dunwick in the room of the Earl of Breeknock, who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. POLLOCK, from the Faculty of Physic in London to Repeal the Statutes which directly impede the Study of Anatomy, and for new enactments on that subject:—By Mr. WALLACE, from the Landholders of Drogheda, complaining of the amount of Grand Jury Assessments, and praying for an extension of the Franchise in the Irish Reform Bill to 10l. Leaseholders in Counties:—By Sir JOHN NEWPORT, from Dublin, complaining of the manner in which Ministers Money was collected.