HC Deb 17 January 1832 vol 9 c563
Lord Morpeth

presented several Petitions from Yorkshire against the Registry Bill, which he would take that opportunity to assure the House were only a prelude to many others likely to be sent up with the same prayer.

Mr. John Campbell

said, although these petitions were against the Registry Bill particularly, he did not understand the petitioners were opposed to the principle: they only desired that Yorkshire should be excluded from its operation, as they had a local register for that county.

Sir Charles Wetherell

assured his, hon. and learned friend, that there was a very strong feeling against his Bill. He daily received communications from all parts of the country, enclosing petitions against it, and requesting him to offer every opposition to the measure. It was regarded with very general alarm, and he, therefore, hoped his hon. and learned friend would withdraw the Act altogether.

Mr. John Campbell

said, he was fully convinced that the general feeling of the country was very different from the representations made by his hon. and learned friend. He was sure that, at the proper time, he should satisfy the House of the expediency of the Bill, and therefore he was determined to proceed with it.

Sir George Warrender

said, he must confirm the statement of his hon. and learned friend, the member for Boroughbridge. He had received several communications, urging him to resist the measure, from several parts of the country. It was generally looked upon as a most obnoxious Bill, and had created much alarm.

Petitions to be laid on the Table.