§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. HUNT, of the Number of Military Court Martials which had sat on Private Soldiers, from the 1st of January, 1831, to the 1st of January, 1832, detailing the Nature of the Accusation, and the Number of Lashes inflicted in each 258 Case where the Party was found Guilty;—On the Motion of Mr. POULETT THOMSON, of the quantity of Wool Imported and Exported from 5th January, 1831, to 5th January, 1832, with the Amount of Duties paid:—On the Motion of Sir ROBERT PEEL, for Copies of all Correspondence that had taken place between Individuals, the Water Companies, and the Treasury, relating to supplying the Metropolis with Water:—On the Motion of Mr. BERNAL, of all Sums received by the Corporation of the Trinity House from the Thames River Pilots, in pursuance of Act 6th George 4th, and the Names of the Persons holding Licences as Pilots:—On the Motion of Mr. CURTEIS, of any and what provision made to Instruct Prisoners in Reading and Writing, in pursuance of 4th George 4th, Cap. 64:—On the Motion of Sir WILLIAM RAE, of the Number of Judicial Factors appointed by the Court of Session, Scotland, in each of the last five years:—On the Motion of Mr. RUTHVEN, of the Number of Stamps issued to each Newspaper in Ireland in each quarter, from 5th January, 1830, to 5th January, 1832.
§ Petitions presented. By Sir EDMUND HAYES, from the Landholders and County Cess-payers of the County of Donegal, complaining of the Amount of these Taxes:—By Mr. EVELYN DENISON, from the Inhabitants of Mansfield, against the General Register Bill.