HC Deb 07 February 1832 vol 10 c20

New Members sworn. Lord LOWTHER, for Dunwich.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. O'CONNELL, a Copy of the Report made by the Board of Excise on the 13th of May, 1831, relating to the Malt Drawback, together with the Answer of the Irish Distillers; of all Writs issued out of the Courts of Chancery, Equity, Exchequer, King's Bench, and Common Pleas in Ireland, for the last three years; of all Monies received by the Society of the King's Inn, Dublin, for the admission of Students, Attornies, Barristers, &c.:—On the Motion of Mr. FRANCIS BARING, of Malt Drawbacks paid in each of the last ten years to 5th January, 1832, and of the number of Imperial Gallons of Proof Spirits on which it was paid; distinguishing Scotland and Ireland; of the Number of Imperial Gallons of Proof Spirits distilled, and of the Number of Imperial Gallons of Proof Spirits which paid Duty for Consumption during the and last ten years, to 5th January, 1832, distinguishing England, Scotland, and Ireland; of the Number of Imperial Gallons of Proof Spirits removed from each Country during the same time; of the quantity of Malt which paid Duty in Scotland during the last ten years, with the Amount paid each year:—On the Motion of Sir GEORGE CLERK, of the Number of Persons who had applied for Relief out of the Poor Rates in the year 1831, in the several Parishes comprised within the Tower Hamlets, Finsbury, Marylebone, and Lambeth, with the Rent of the Tenements they occupied, and the Amount at which they were rated.

Petitions presented. By Mr. BYNG, from St. Mary's, Islington, to equalize Church Rates:—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from Grange Gorman, County of Dublin, complaining of the Irish Reform Bill, and for an extension of the Franchise to 40s. Freeholders; from Carrick-on-Suir and Castlebar, to receive Representatives; from the Trades Union, Dublin, complaining of the Irish Reform Bill being introduced by an Englishman;—By Mr. WRANGHAM, from Great Driffield, York. By Mr. BAINBRIDGE, from Taunton, and by Sir GEORGE ROBINSON, from Northampton, Worksop, and East Redford, against the General Registry Bill:— By Mr. TREVOR, from Stockton-upon-Tees, Norton, and Bellingham, for a Representative under the Reform Bill.