§ New Writ ordered. For Ennis, in the room of the Right Hon. WILLIAM VESEY FITZGERALD, now Lord FITZGERALD.
§ Bill brought in. To Regulate the Irish Post Office.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. HUME, all Commissions granted by the Lord Register, since his Appointment, to Persons to be Deputy Keepers of the Signet; of all Commissions granted by such Deputy Keepers or Substitute Keepers or Assistants of the Signet, or others; an Account of the Gross Amount of Fees drawn at the Signet Office, Edinburgh, for each year since 1820, distinguishing to whom paid, and the Amount to each Person; and distinguishing specially the Sums paid to the Lord Register in each year:—On the Motion of Mr. BURGE, Copy of the Report made in 1822 by the House of Assembly, Jamaica, of the situation of the Sugar Planters; Copy of a Note presented to the Secretary of State by the Colonial Agents, praying for the abolition of the Two and a Half per Cent Duties; Copy of a Petition sent to his Majesty from the Virgin Islands:—On the Motion of Mr. WRIGHTSON, for the Names of all the Persons convicted of Offences against the Excise Laws in Scotland and Ireland, from the 5th of July, 1830, up to the present time:—On the Motion of Mr. WOLRYCHE WHITMORE, for an Account of Wheat, Corn, and other Grain Imported during the years 1830, and 1831.
§ Petitions presented. Against the General Registry Bill. By Mr. BURTON, from Beverley. By Mr. HANLEY, from Newark and its Neighbourhood. By Mr. STRICKLAND, from the Inhabitants of Wakefield. By Mr. BLAMIRE, from Workington, Keswick, Crosthwaite, Weatherall, Warwick, Hurworth, and Nesham. By Mr. BUCK, from Market Harborough, Kingston-upon-Hull, and Attornies and Solicitors of Exeter:—By Mr. TYRRELL, from the Ministers, Churchwardens, Farmers, and Tradesmen, of Wetherden, Elmswell, Tostock, and other places, for an alteration of the Sale of Beer Act:—By Mr. STRICKLAND, from Ripon, Boroughbridge, Batelybridge, and Ripley, to be joined with the Constituency of Ripon:—By Mr. WAR-BURTON, from a Gentleman who believed that he had discovered a means of ascertaining the Longitude at Sea:—By Mr. BUCK, from certain Individuals at Penrice, praying that place may send one Member to Parliament:—By Mr. VERNON SMITH, from Inhabitants of Northampton, Members of a Friendly Society, praying for a Repeal of Act 10th George 4th:—By Mr. WARBURTON, in favour of the Anatomy Bill, from Sheffield, and from the Surgical School, Windmill Street, Golden Square.