§ New Member sworn. The HON. DOUGLAS GORDON HALLYBURTON, for the County of Forfar.
§ New Writ moved for. For the City of Westminster, in the 1092 room of Sir JOHN HOBHOUSE, who had accepted the office of Secretary at War.
§ Bills. Committed; Limitation of Actions; Fines and Recoveries; Courtesy of England and Dower.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. RUTHVEN, of the Fees received by the Commissioners; the Emoluments and Sums received by the Secretary and the Clerk of Insolvents; and of all Sums paid for sealing Commissions in the Court of Bankruptcy, Dublin, during the last three years; of the number of Bankrupts and Insolvents, and of the Officers employed in the Insolvent Court for the same period:—On the Motion of Mr. KENNEDY, for Returns of the Revenue of Scotland during the last year with the Expenses of Collection.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. BLAMIRE, from the Bankers, Freeholders, and others of Penrith, Cumberland, against the General Registration Bill; from the Landed Proprietors of the Neighbourhood of Penrith, and of the Hundreds of Louth, Esk, and Ladborough, Lincoln, with the same prayer:—By Mr. MACKINNON, from the Directors and Proprietors of the General Steam Navigation Company, and from the Directors and Proprietors of the Old Margate Steam Packet Company, against the Thames Steam Navigation Bill.