§ Bill brought in. By Sir CHARLES BURRELL, for the better Employment of Labourers in Agricultural Parishes.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Sir JAMES GRAHAM, the Report, Estimate, and Plan of the proposed New Docks and River Wall at Woolwich Yard.
§ Petitions presented. By Lord CASTLEREAGH, from Magherally, County of Down, against the proposed System of Education in Ireland; and by Lord COLE, to the same effect from Rathkeale, in the County of Limerick:—By Mr. WYSE, from Mr. Darcy Mahon, one of the late Commissioners of Stamps in Ireland, for Compensation for the loss of his place:—By Lord EBRINGTON, from the Inhabitants of Stoke Damerel, for the Amendment of 43 Geo. 3rd, relating to Burial Grounds:—By Mr. HUNT, from Bury, and the Township of Pilkington, Lancashire, in favour of the Factories Regulation Bill.