§ Bill brought in. By Mr. ROBERT GRANT, for holding the Assizes for the County of Norfolk, and for the City of Norwich.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. HUDSON, of the Official and declared Value of the Imports to, and Exports from the United Kingdom, from and to each of the British Colonies and Possessions for two years, ending 5th January, 1831, and 1832; also, a like Account relating to all Foreign Countries, distinguishing each with the respective Amounts of British Colonial, and Foreign Produce:—On the Motion of Mr. HUME, from the Churchwardens of the Parish of St. Pancras, of the Number of Persons, on 17th March last, Rated to the Relief of the Poor; and also, of the Total Number of Declarations or Votes, delivered to the said Churchwardens for and against the Adoption of the Act passed in last Session, for the better Regulation of Vestries, &c.:—On the Motion of Mr. BRISCOE, the Number of Licenses granted by the Excise, for the Retail of Spirituous Liquors within the Bills of Mortality, from the 5th of January, 1831, to 5th January, 1852; and all Coroners' Inquests held within the King's Bench Prison, and the Rules thereof, from the 1st of January, 1825, to the date of the Return within the year 1832; stating the date of each, the Name of the Deceased, and the Verdict; also, the Name of the Person acting as Coroner on each and every occasion so returned:—On the Motion of Mr. LAMB, for Summary Statements of the Number of Persons charged with Criminal Offences, wholwere committed to the different Gaols in England and Wales for Trial at the Assizes and Sessions, held for the several Counties, Cities, Towns, and Liberties therein, during the last seven years; distinguishing the Number in each year; and show- 80 ing the Nature of the Crimes respectively of which they were Convicted, or Acquitted, and with which those were charges; against whom no Bills were found, and who were not prosecuted; the Sentences of those Convicted, and the Number Executed who received Sentence of Death:—On the Motion of Mr. SPRING RICE, of the quantity of Spirits consumed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, in 1831, compared with the previous year:—On the Motion of Mr. BURGE, for Copy of the Protest of the West-India Merchants, transmitted to Viscount GODERICH, of the 6th April last.
§ Petitions presented. By Viscount DUNCANNON, from Kilmaganny, Donemaggin, and Conahy; and by Mr. MAURICE O'CONNELL, from the Landholders and Inhabitants of Cashel, Nurnay, and Clonmel, for the Abolition of Tithes; and from Roman Catholic Tradesmen of the Guild of Shoemakers Galway, for Provision in the Reform of Parliament (Ireland) Bill, for the peculiar Franchise of Galway:—By Sir WILLIAM INGILBY, from William Hutton, Sheriff of the County of Lincoln, for Abolishing the Fees payable by Sheriffs on their Appointment to Office; and for the Repeal of so much of the Acts of 12 Richard 2nd., cap. 10, and 14 Richard 2nd., cap. 11, as relates to the Number of Justices for each County, and the Amount of Wages to be paid them, and to the Clerks of the Peace. By Mr. BENETT, from the Agriculturists of Marlborough and Devizes, for the Repeal of the Duty on Malt:—By Mr. SANFORD, from Wellington, Somerset-shire, against the proposed Plan of Education in Ireland; from the Sailcloth Manufacturers and Flaxspinners at Yeovil, Crewkerne, and East and West Coker, against the Factories Regulation Bill; from the Landowners of Chard and Axbridge, against the General Registry Bill; and from Persons assembling in Zion Chapel Ilminster, for the Abolition of Slavery.