Mr. Callaghanpresented a Petition from the Soap-makers of the city of Cork, praying that the drawback on soap exported from this country to Ireland may be repealed. He was most desirous to direct the attention of Government to the subject, and he now gave notice, that he should, next Session, move the repeal of this drawback, if it should not previously be considered.
§ Sir John Newportsaid, the soap sent from England was sold considerably under the price the Irish manufacturers could afford to make it at. In his opinion, not a day should be lost in repealing the drawback.
Mr. Callaghansaid, he was very desirous to draw the attention of the House to one material allegation of the petition. He found it therein stated, that in 1824, no trade in soap was carried on between the two countries, but in 1829, the quantity imported into Ireland from England, was 1,500 tons, and in 1830, 2,900 tons, being a larger quantity than was required for the whole consumption of Ireland; the natural inference from which was, that the soap was merely sent across the channel, and then smuggled back into England. The drawback, therefore, operated most injuriously in two ways—it annihilated the Irish manufacture, and decreased the public revenue. He understood there was scarcely a packet came from Ireland to England but what had a venture in smuggled soap.
§ Petition to be printed.