HC Deb 10 October 1831 vol 8 c380

New Members sworn. Sir JOHN BYNG, for Poole, and HENRY GLYNN, Esq., for Flint, Borough.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. JEPHSON, the number of Irish Newspaper Stamps issued during the year 1850:—By Sir JOHN HAY, for a Return of the sums due to the Excise for additional duties on Spirits under 1st William 4th:—By Mr. SPRING RICE, for a Copy of the Treasury Minute, relating to the improvement of the Crown Lands (Ireland); and for a Copy of the Report of the Commissioners of Accounts, relating to the Exchequer.

Petitions presented. By an HON. MEMBER, from the Gentry, Clergy, and others Inhabitants of Bassetlaw (Nottingham), against allowing Beer to be drank on the premises of Beerhouses. By an HON. MEMBER, from Landowners and Occupiers in the County of Suffolk, complaining of the Tithe Laws. By an HON. MEMBER, from Agricultural Labourers in East Stoneham and five other places for the Repeal of the Malt Duty. By Sir FRANCIS BURDETT, from the Inhabitants of St. Clement's Danes, in favour of Reform.

A Call of the House took place on the Motion of Lord EBRINGTON.