§ Sir John Hobhouse moved that the Bill be read a third time.
§ Mr. Trevorsaid, that he intended to speak on the principle of the Bill. At the then late hour of the night that would be extremely inconvenient. He suggested that the question for the passing of the Bill, which certainly was of a most important nature, should be postponed.
Sir John Hobhousewas surprised at any objection being made at this stage of the Bill, which he, and he believed every one else, thought had been already fully discussed.
§ Mr. Protheroethought the Bill, instead of receiving any impediment, should be hastened as much as possible. The present system of vestries was one of great injustice. In numerous parishes, he was sure, taxes would not be paid if the present select vestries were continued.
Sir Robert Inglissaid, he was somewhat surprised at the language of the hon. member for Bristol: he appeared to think the House would be deterred from its duty by threats. If there was no other reason to delay this important Bill, the remark of the hon. Member, that the parishes would legislate for themselves, was sufficient to induce the House to do so, and not to pass such a Bill at that late hour.
§ Mr. Spring Ricesaid, the Bill had been most fully discussed, besides having been under the attention of a Committee up stairs for several months, who had recommended it to the House: it had been examined at full length before a Committee of the whole House. He could not imagine what useful purpose the hon. Member could gain by now opposing it, for there was no doubt it must ultimately pass into a law.
§ Mr. George Dawsonsaid, he was favourable to the principle of the Bill, and had no intention of opposing it, but for the violent language of the hon. member for Bristol, who had attempted to overawe the House by threats. He objected accordingly to the third reading at that time.
§ Mr. Protheroesaid, he had no intention to use the language of intimidation or to appeal to the fears of the House. He knew such an attempt would be wholly unsuccessful. His only motive for supporting the Bill was, to restore to the people the authority that of right belonged to them, but which had been lessened by select vestries at various places.
Sir John Hobhousesaid, any discussion on this Bill at so late a state of its progress could only delay it from passing for a very short time; if the hon. Member, therefore, thought proper to again argue it he would endeavour to meet him. He would only add, that in urging the passing of this Bill he was not stimulated by any thing that was passing out of doors.
§ Mr. Trevorsaid, he had no desire to impose any unnecessary delay, but he wished the third reading to be postponed until the next day, and he should propose an amendment to that effect.
§ The House divided on the Original Question. Ayes 38; Noes 8—Majority 30.
§ The Bill read a third time and passed.