§ Bills. Read a first time; Pluralities. Read a second time; the Sale of Beer Act Amendment. Read a third time and passed; Churches Building Act Amendment.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Colonel EVANS, an account of the quantity of Spirits in Imperial Gallons, in bond, January, 1826, and bonded since up to the 5th January, 1851, with the quantity that had paid duty, &c.
§ Petitions presented. By Colonel EVANS, from Tunbridge, praying for inquiry in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Deacle. By Mr. TYNTE, from the Landowners and Parishioners of the Borough of Bridgewater, against the General Register Bill. By Mr. CUTLAR FERGUSSON, from Robert Hunter, of Lunna, one of the Shetland Islands, for a Member to be granted to Shetland. By Mr. RAMSEY, against that part of the Reform Bill for Scotland, which unites Ulloa to Clackmannan, from an Inhabitant of Ulloa.