§ The SPEAKER proceeded to St. James's to present the Address, in answer to his Majesty's most gracious Speech He was accompanied by the Mover and several Members of the Privy Council.
§ Bills brought in. By Sir E. SUGDEN, to amend the Provisions of the Statute of Frauds:—By Sir J. SCARLETT, to amend the Laws respecting the Attestation of Instruments;—By Mr. SPRING RICK, to consolidate and amend 268 the Laws for suppressing the illicit making of Malt and distillation of Spirits (Ireland):—By Lord DUNCANNON, for repealing part of an Act, 7th Geo. 4th, for Paving, Watching, Improving, &c. Grovesnor Place, and other streets adjacent to the Garden of Buckingham House:—By Mr. G. LAMB, to Indemnify Deputy Lieutenants (Scotland); and to authorize the Exchange of Ecclesiastical Lands:— By Mr. PORTMAN, to Consolidate the Laws relating to Highways.
§ On the Motion of Lord DUNCANNON, a Committee was appointed to inquire into matters connected with Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. HURRIES, of the Balances remaining unpaid on the 1st of January, 1831, upon Grants of Parliament for Ordnance Services, set forth in Acts, 11 Geo. 4th; and 1 Wm. 4th, c. 0.5, § 12; and also, of the Amount paid on each of the several heads of Services, for which the said Grants were made, between 1st January, 1S31, and 21st June, 1831; Account of the Balance remaining in the Treasurer of the Ordnance's hands, on the 1st of January, 1831; and of Monies received by him, between that date and 21st June, 1831, distinguishing the several heads of Ordnance Services, as set forth in the Acts before mentioned:—Ou the Motion of Mr. HUGHES HUGHES, giving the particulars of applications made to the Bishops for their assents to building additional Churches, under 5th Geo. 4th, c. 103; and giving the particulars of applications made to the Commissioners for building new Churches, under the 3rd Section of Act 7th and 8th Geo. 4th, c. 72:—On the Motion of Mr. RUTHVEN, from the Diocesan and Endowed Schools (Ireland), of the number of Scholars paying, and those taught gratuitously; and of the number of Vessels and Tonnage entered, and departing from the Port of Strangford, in Ireland, for the last three years; and of all Steam Engines used in Great Britain and Ireland, or in Vessels, distinguishing their powers:—On the Motion of Mr. ELLIS, Papers relating to Public Accounts were ordered to be laid on the Table.
§ Petitions presented. By Lord MANDEVILLE, from Holy-well and Needingworth, for the Abolition of Slavery; and from St. Ives, for the Repeal of the Duty on Coals. By Mr. TREVOR, from the Non-Resident Freemen of Durham, for continuation of their Franchise. By Mr. HUNT, from Andrew Ranfield, for the Repealing of the Subletting Act.