§ Bills brought in. To amend the Bankrupt Laws, or Act of 6th Geo. 4th, c 18; the Abjuration of Oaths; and the Ecclesiastieal Lands Exchange, which were before the Parliament last Session.
§ Petitions presented. For the Abolition of the Punishment of Death for Offences against Property, by Lord MOR-BETH, from Halifax. By Mr. TREVOR, from the Electors of Durham, Sunderland, North and South Shields, and Gateshead, praying their rights might be respected in the Reform Bill. By Mr. LEADER, several petitions from the County of Kilkenny, praying the Tithe System of Ireland might be taken into immediate consideration. By Sir W. W. Wynn, from the County of Denbigh, in favour of the Reform Bill; and from Llanwrust that that Town might be made a contributory Borough with Denbigh: — By Mr. G. DAWSON, from the County of Kilkenny, in favour of the Reform Bill. By Mr. S, WORTLRY, from a place in Fife, for an alteration in the Game Laws. By Mr. G. LANGTON, against certain Provisions of, the Beer Bill; and from Yeovil, against the Registry of Deeds' Bill. By Mr. HUME, from Perth and Aberdeen, in favour of the Reform Bill; and from a Parish in the County of Londonderry, praying that Tithes and Church Property in Ireland might be devoted to education. By Mr. Alderman WHTHMAN, from Weavers in Spitalfields, in favour of the Reform Bill:—By Air. Alderman WOOD, similar petitions, from Cripple-gate, St. Giles, Cripplegate Without, Bridge, Bassishaw, and Castle Baynard Wards: —By Mr. HODGES, from Mr. Gunning, in favour of Parliamentary Reform.
§ Returns ordered, On the Motion of Mr. S. RICE, all Local Dues and Taxes, other than such as are chargeable to the Crown, on the importation and sale of Coals in the several Ports of Ireland, during each of the last three years, stating the authority under which charged, and how appropriated; the Imports into and Exports from the Port of Water-ford, during each of the last fifteen years; distinguishing the quantity and value of all articles severally exceeding the amount of 500l. also, of the number of Vessels, with the amount of their tonnage, that entered inwards and cleared outwards during the same period, distinguishing British and Foreign, so far as the same can be made out; the Limits, to the cast and west, of the Port of Lyme, in Dorsetshire, and the Out-stations comprehended in the said Port, and the distance of each Out-station from the Head-station; also, of the number of Officers employed in the collection of the Customs at the Head-station, and at each Out-station of the said Port, and the Name, Salary, and Emoluments of every such Officer; also, of the number and aggregate Tonnage of the Ships entered inwards and outwards, and cleared coastways, at the said. Head-station, and each Out-station, during each of the 237 last ten years, distinguishing the number and the aggregate tonnage of the shifts above and below 100 tons; also, of the Imports and Exports, and the duties upon Imports, at the said Principal and Out stations respectively, during each of the last ten years: —On the Motion of Mr. HUME, all dividends received upon Rentes placed in deposit with the British and French Commissioners under the Convention, No. 7, of 20th November, l8l5, and with the British Commissioners under Convention of 25th April, 18l8; stating the dates of such receipts, and an account of all Rentes purchased with such dividends, from the period at which the Return to the House of Commons, dated June 29th, 1821 (No. 728), ends, down to the 26th July, 1826; also, an account of all sum of money remitted by such Commissioners to England during the same period, and the rates of exchange at which, and the times when, such remittances were made, and an account of all sums invested in British public securities during that period, with the Dates of such investments, the Rates at which the same were invested, and all dividends received thereon: —On the Motion of Mr. Aderman Wood, the number of Bushels of Malt charged with duty in the United Kingdom, and the amount of duty thereon, separating each Country, and distinguishing the quantity used by Brewers, or other persons licensed to brew beer for sale, and the quantity used in the Distillery, from 10th October, 1829, to 5th January, 1850; a similar account from 10th October, 1830, to 5th January, 1831; and also, from 5th January, 1850, to 5th January, 1831; the number of Bushels of Malt made, and the amount of Duties thereon, in each collection of Excise in the United kingdom, from 5th January, 1830, to 5th January, 1831; the Duty charged on Hops grown in the United Kingdom in the year 1830; distinguishing the old and the new Duty, the several districts, and the amount of Duty charged in each district respectively; the total number of statute acres of Land in the United kingdom, under the Cultivation of Hops in the year 1830; distinguishing the number of Acres in each Parish, and in each collection; the quantity of Hops exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Parts, in the year ending 5th January, l831; distinguishing the countries to which the said Hops have been exerted; also British from foreign growths, and the quantities to each country respectively, and the date of the year in which the said British Hops were grown also, an account of the quantity of Hops imported into the United Kingdom from foreign parts, to the same period, and distinguishing the countries from which the said Hops have been imported, and quantities respectively; the total number of Barrels of Beer exerted from England and Scotland to Ireland, and from Ireland to England and Scotland; distinguishing the number of Barrels so exported to each Kingdom, from 5th January, 1830, to 10th October, 1830; the total number of Barrels of Beer exported from England, Ireland and Scotland, to foreign countries; distinguishing the said countries, and the quantities to each country respectively; and also, each Kingdom from which the said Beer was exported, with the amount of drawback paid theron, from the 5th January, 1830, to 5th January, 1831; the quantity of all the different sorts of Beer made in Great Britain, from 5th January, 1830, to 10th October, 1830, stated in Barrels, the rates of Duty per Barrel, and the total amount thereof; the number of Barrels of Strong, Table, and Intermediate Beer, chargeable to the Duties of Excise, brewed in Great Britain, from 5th January, 1850, to 10th October, 1850; distinguishing the number of Barrels brewed within the limits of the Chief Office, and within each of the several collections, particularizing the quantity brewed by public Brewers, Licensed Victuallers, Intermediate Brewers, and Retail Brewers, in each collection, and shewing the quantity of Malt used in each collection, in making such Beer; the number of Brewers, Retail Brewers, Licensed Victuallers, and Intermediate Brewers, in Great Britain; distinguishing the number of each, within the limits of the chief Office of Excise, and in each of the several collections, and setting forth the number of Licensed Victuallers who brew their own Beer, from 5th January, 1830, to 10th October, 1830; the number of Brewers, Licensed Victuallers, and Persons licensed, under the Act "to permit the general sale of Beer by retail," in the United Kingdom; 238 distinguishing the number of each within the limits of the Chief Office of Excise, and in each of the several collections, and setting forth the number of Licensed Victuallers, and of Persons licensed to sell Beer by retail, who brew their own Beer, and shewing the total quantity of Malt used for the brewing of Beer by such parties respectively, and particularizing the quantities used by Brewers, Licensed Victuallers, and persons licensed to sell Beer by retail, in each collection, from 10th Octoper, 1830, to 5th January, 1831; the total number of Gallons of Proof Spirits of the Manufacture or Distillation of the United Kingdom, that paid Duty for home consumption, in each Kingdom, in each year, from 5th January, 1828, to 5th January, 1831, the rate of Duty per Imperial Gallon at Proof, and the total amount of Duty at that rate for each Kingdom; and shewing the total number of Imperial Proof Gallons of such Spirits, and total amount of Duty thereon for the whole United Kingdom for each of these years; the total number of Proof Gallons of Rum, Brandy, Geneva, ad all other Foreign Spirits that paid Duty in each Kingdom, in each year, from 5th January, l828, to 5th January, 1831, the rate of Duly per Imperial Gallon at Proof, and amount thereof, and total number of Gallons of all kinds, and total Duty thereon, for each Kingdom, and total number of Gallons of each kind, and total Duty thereon, and total number of Gallons of all kinds, and total Duty thereon for the United Kingdom, in each of these years: the amount of Duty paid on Wax and Spermaceti Candles, from 5th January, 1830, to 5th January, 1831; the amount of Duty paid on Foreign Wax imported in the last three years:—On the Motion of Mr. G. DAWSON, all sums of Money advanced by order of the Treasury, or by the Lord Lieutenant in Ireland, for the relief of the Poor in the Western and North-Western Districts, and of the manner in which such Money has been expended.
§ The usual Orders relative to Election Petitions were made, and also relative to Orders preceding Motions on Mondays and Fridays. Committees were appointed to inquire into expiring Laws, and to see that the Standing Order relative to Private Bills be inquired into.