HC Deb 30 July 1831 vol 5 c558

New Writs issued. On the Motion of Mr. SPRING RICE, for New Ross, in the room of Charles Tottenham, Esq., who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Colonel TORRENS, of all Bank of England Notes and Post Bills in circulation every Saturday in the present Year, pursuant to Act 35 George 3rd, Cap. 184, up to the latest period the account can be made up, and the quantity in weight of Standard Gold received into the Mint, from 15th July, 1830, to the present time, and of the value of the Gold coined, distinguishing each denomination, and for whom coined, and the expenses incurred, and an account of all Silver Coin melted from 31st December, 1829 to the present time, stating the amount in each quarter, and on what account received or melted; a similar account of all Gold Coin.

Petitions presented. By Sir JAMES WILLIAMS, from the Grand Jurors of Carmarthen, for an additional Member for that County. By the DEAN and CHAPTER of St. Partick's Cathedral, Dublin, against the Irish Reform Bill. By Lord STANLEY, from the Millers and Corn Dealers of Burnley, against the Importation of Foreign Flour. By Lord MILTON, from Landed Proprietors in Barnsley and its vicinity, against the Registry of Deeds Bill. By Mr. GEORGE DAWSON, from Inhabitants of Castlecomar, for the continuance of the Grant to the Kildare Street Society; from the Inhabitants of Broughshane, complaining of Charity Letters being charged with Postage; from Masters and Owners of Coal Vessels, Corporation of Coopers, and Corporation of Felt Makers, Dublin, for the continuance of the Coal Meters' Establishment. By Mr. HUNT, from the Inhabitants of Hurdsfield, for Repeal of the Corn Laws. By the Marquis of CHANDOS, from the West-India Planters and Merchants, against the Sugar Refinery Bill. By Colonel LOWTHER, from Land Owners of Strickland, Kettle, Halton, and Grayrigg, in the Parish of Kirkby in Kendal, for a period of limitation to collect Tithes in kind.