HC Deb 25 July 1831 vol 5 cc281-2

The next vote was the sum of 6,625l. to defray the charge of the Civil Establishment of Nova Scotia.

Mr. George Robinson

said, he was glad to see instances of economy in various departments under this head. He hoped that, although no promise had been made, immediate measures would be adopted further to diminish the civil expenditure in Nova Scotia; a colony which had shown its ability to afford 20,000l. to accomplish local improvements, and 5,000l. to defray the expenses arising from the improvement of the fisheries. He thought it but fair, at the same time that he expressed the hope of an abatement in the charge for the colony, to acknowledge the apparent determination of his Majesty's Ministers to carry the principle of retrenchment generally to a very advantageous extent.

Mr. Keith Douglas

asked, if the Crown had not revenue in Nova Scotia which might be applied to the charges of civil government?

Lord Howick

supposed quit rents for lands were alluded to, but it was found impossible to collect these, and many years were due.

Mr. Warburton

asked, whether it was required, that Professors should sign the Thirty-nine Articles before they could be admitted into the college of Nova Scotia? That was the case in Upper Canada. The expenses of admission were also too great in that college. Nothing would tend to alienate the colonists more than these restrictions on religious opinions. If the Colonial Estimates were again brought forward before these distinctions were abolished, he should divide the House upon the question.

Resolution agreed to.