§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. WILKS, that the Churchwardens of each Parish in England and Wales, furnish Accounts of all Monies Collected, from Easter, 1830 to Easter, 1831, for Church Rates, and all other Expenses relating to the Repair of Churches, Chapels, &c., and the amount expended for the same purposes:—On the Motion of Mr. WYSE, for the amount of Tolls received on the River Shannon for the last Ten Years:—On the Motion of Sir JOHN NEWPORT, of the number of Causes tried in the Admiralty Court (Ireland), since the 1st of August, 1830: the number of Causes set down for hearing, how they were disposed of, and the Number of Days the Court sat.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. CROKER and other Hon. Members, from Electors of Minehead, praying for that Borough to be transferred from schedule A to schedule B, as comprising a portion of an adjoining Parish, containing more than 2,000 Inhabitants; from the Corporation of New Romney, with Lydd and Old Romney, to retain the privilege of returning One Member; from Inhabitant Householders of Lydd, to be annexed to New Romney, and return One Member; from the Corporation of Tregony, praying for that Borough not to be Disfranchised. By Mr. HODGES, from the Trustees and Managers of the Seven Oaks Savings' Bank, for alteration of Act 9 George 4th. Cap. 92. By Mr. TYRRELL, from Patrick Stead, against the use of Molasses in Distillation.