HC Deb 14 July 1831 vol 4 c1249

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Sir ROBERT FERGUSON, of all Monies received by the Commissioners of Stamps, on Marine Insurances for 1830; and for Accounts of Money advanced out of the Consolidated Fund, for the use of the Irish Loan Commissioners, with all the particulars of Interest, Repayments, &c:—On the Motion of Lord KILLEEN, of all Money expended on Irish Roads for the last seven years:—On the Motion of Mr. COURTENAY, Copies of Representations from the Cape of Good Hope, respecting the Wine of that Colony.

Petitions Presented. By Mr. BRISCOE, from Coal Meters, &c. of Surrey, for Compensation for Loss of Office: and from Samuel Fletcher, for an inquiry into the Distress in Ireland. By Lord KILLEEN, from Hamilton Gorges, Esq., for the Extension of the Elective Franchise to Irish Copyholders; from the Roman Catholic Clergy of the Diocese of Derry, and Catholic Inhabitants of Charleville, against any further Grant to the Kildare Street Society; from Protestant Inhabitants of Caudroun to extend the Elective Franchise to Catholics. By Mr. LUMLEY, from Inhabitants of Arnold (Notts); and by Mr. LAMBERT, from Grand Jury of Galway, in favour of Parliamentary Reform. By Sir GEORGE WARRENDER, from Town Council of Jedburgh, to allow the present Electors in Scotland to retain the Elective Franchise. By Mr. LAMBERT, from Protestant Inhabitants of Chaddagb, to extend the Elective Franchise to Catholics; and from the Parishes of Kilconnee and Aughrim, against any further Grant to the Kildare Street Society. By Lord STANLEY, from Millers and Com Dealers of Manchester, Warrington, Rochdale, and County of Sussex, against the Importation of Flour; from Inhabitants of St. Helens, Lancaster, against the defective state of the present Combination Laws; and from the Managers of the Present Savings Bank, for an alteration of the Act 9 George 4th. Cap. 92. By Mr. FITZGIBBON, from Teigntuage Agricultural Association, against the division of Counties in the Reform Bill, and for the Repeal of the Union with Ireland; from Inhabitants of Newcastle (Limerick), and from Abington. By Mr. SPRING RICE, from Protestants of Roscommon, for the extension of the Galway Franchise. By Sir EDWARD SCOTT, from G. H. Hind, for alterations in the Reform Bill, relating to the Right of Voting. By Mr. Wans, from the Protestant Dissenters of Boston, in favour of the Reform Bill. By Colonel ROGERS, from Bishop's Castle; and by Mr. RUSELL, from Thirsk, against the Reform Bill. By Mr. HUNT, from Great and Little Bolton, for the Repeal of the Corn Laws. By Mr. LEE, from Wells; and by Lord BELGRAVE, from the Grand Jury of Cheshire, for the Repeal of the Beer Act. By Mr. JOHN WOOD, from Brewers and Retailers of Beer, of Stockport and Ashton-under-Line, to be placed on the same level, with regard to the hours of Business, as Licensed Victuallers. By Colonel LOWTHER and Mr. JOHN WOOD, from Owners and Occupiers of Land at Kentmere and Hagill, Skelsmergh, and Kirby, in Kendal, for limitation in the time to Collect Tithes in kind. By Mr. DIXON, from Glasgow, for Repeal of the Duty on Marine Insurances. By Mr. BRISCOE, from Churchwardens and Overseers of Christ Church (Surry), to be added to Parishes in the Reform Bill in Schedule C. By Colonel LOWTHER, from Inhabitants of Whitehaven, and Preston Quarter, to return one Member to Parliament. By Mr. MARSHALL, from Resident Householders of Beverley, Borough, without the limits, to Vote for the Return of Members. By Colonel LOWTHER, from Inhabitant Householders of Preston Quarter, to enjoy the same privileges as Whitehaven. By Mr. MARSHALL, from Soap Makers of Glasgow and Leith, for the Repeal of the Soap Duty; and for the Abolition of Slavery, from the Methodists of Keighley, and Baptists of Paisley. By Mr. JOHN WOOD, from Chorley, in favour of Annual Parliaments, Universal Suffrage, and Vote by Ballot.