HC Deb 11 July 1831 vol 4 c1008

Hills brought in. To Discontinue and Alter the Duties on Coals, Slates, Cotton, Wool, Barilla, and Wax; to extend Public Works in Ireland.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. GOULBURN, Copies of all Papers relating to the Appropriation of the Crown Revenues, Canada:—On the Motion of Mr. HUME, Regulations made by the Lords of the Treasury, relative to Commissioners, Letters Patents, re-appointments to Office, on the Demise of the Late King, agreeable to 1 Will. IV, Cap. 43, with an Account of all Fees paid, and the Salaries of those who paid them:—On the Motion of Mr. SPRING RICE, a Copy of the Third Report made by the Common Law Court Commissioners, and for the First Report of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners of Inquiry, (Ireland):—On the Motion of Mr. LAMBERT, Copies of Informations, in the Irish Exchequer Courts, for Breaches of the Excise Laws for the last three years.

New Writs issued. For Bletchingley, in the room of Mr. TENNYSON, he having made his Election for Stamford; for Banden, in the room of Lord BERNARD, who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.

Petitions presented. By the Marquis of CHANDOS, from the West-India Colonies, for Compensation, before any Infringement of Properly may be sanctioned By Lord MORPRTH, from Inhabitants of Burton, Agnes, Kilham, Langtoft, North Burton, and ten other places in Yorkshire, for the Abolition of Slavery; from Inhabitants of Bradford, for the regulation of Children employed in Cotton Factories; from the Operatives of the same place, for Annual Parliaments, Universal Suffrage, and Vote by Ballot from J. HAMILTON, Esq.; for the Repeal of the Game Laws; and from the Owners and Occupiers of Mills at Halifax, against the Importation of Flour. By Mr. C PELRAM, from the Trustees of the Knaresborough Savings' Bank, for an alteration of the Act 9 Geo. IV. Cap. 92, respecting the amount of Deposits; and from Freeholders and Inhabitants of Welland, Lincolnshire, against the Registry of Deeds Bill; and from Inhabitants of Gainsborough and its vicinity, praying for Representation. By Sir R. INGLIS, from Inhabitants of Great Bedwin; and by Mr. HERRIES, from Harwich against the Reform Bill from Inhabitants of adjacent Parishes, playing to return Members with Petersfield; from the Corporation of Guildford, to continue to return two Members from New Ross, Wexford, for an alteration in the Criminal Laws.