HC Deb 11 July 1831 vol 4 c1023

On the motion of Lord Althorp, that the House should go into Committee on the Customs' Act,

Mr. Kennedy

said, that though they must all desire that the English Reform Bill should take precedence, he wished to ask whether it was the intention of Government that the Irish and Scotch Reform Bills should or should not pass through the House without the interruption or cessation of the sitting of Parliament?

Lord. Althorp

had taken an opportunity of stating the other night, that the English Reform Bill was to be carried without either the Irish or Scotch Reform Bills, in order to prevent the confusion which would be likely to ensue from the three Bills proceeding pari passu, which could not do otherwise than produce much confusion. But that it was the intention of the Government to persevere, and carry all three Bills through during the present Session, was most certain; and nothing would prevent it but the being beaten by a majority, either in that or the other House of Parliament.